pyensembl package


pyensembl.biotypes module

pyensembl.common module

pyensembl.common.dump_pickle(obj, filepath)

Simple reset-able memoization decorator for functions and methods, assumes that all arguments to the function can be hashed and compared.

pyensembl.database module

class pyensembl.database.Database(gtf_path, install_string=None, cache_directory_path=None, restrict_gtf_columns=None, restrict_gtf_features=None)

Bases: object

Wrapper around sqlite3 database so that the rest of the library doesn’t have to worry about constructing the .db file or writing SQL queries directly.

PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMNS = {'gene': 'gene_id', 'transcript': 'transcript_id'}
column_exists(table_name, column_name)
column_values_at_locus(column_name, feature, contig, position, end=None, strand=None, distinct=False, sorted=False)

Get the non-null values of a column from the database at a particular range of loci


Return a connection to the database if it exists, otherwise create it. Overwrite the existing database if overwrite is True.


Get a connection to the database or raise an exception


Create the local database (including indexing) if it’s not already set up. If overwrite is True, always re-create the database from scratch.

Returns a connection to the database.

distinct_column_values_at_locus(column, feature, contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Gather all the distinct values for a property/column at some specified locus.

column : str
Which property are we getting the values of.
feature : str
Which type of entry (e.g. transcript, exon, gene) is the property associated with?
contig : str
Chromosome or unplaced contig name
position : int
Chromosomal position
end : int, optional
End position of a range, if unspecified assume we’re only looking at the single given position.
strand : str, optional
Either the positive (‘+’) or negative strand (‘-‘). If unspecified then check for values on either strand.

Construct a SQL query and run against the sqlite3 database, filtered both by the feature type and a user-provided column/value.

query_distinct_on_contig(column_name, feature, contig)

Run a SQL query against the sqlite3 database, filtered only on the feature type.

query_loci(filter_column, filter_value, feature)

Query for loci satisfying a given filter and feature type.

filter_column : str
Name of column to filter results by.
filter_value : str
Only return loci which have this value in the their filter_column.
feature : str
Feature names such as ‘transcript’, ‘gene’, and ‘exon’

Returns list of Locus objects

query_locus(filter_column, filter_value, feature)

Query for unique locus, raises error if missing or more than one locus in the database.

filter_column : str
Name of column to filter results by.
filter_value : str
Only return loci which have this value in the their filter_column.
feature : str
Feature names such as ‘transcript’, ‘gene’, and ‘exon’

Returns single Locus object.

query_one(select_column_names, filter_column, filter_value, feature, distinct=False, required=False)
run_sql_query(sql, required=False, query_params=[])

Given an arbitrary SQL query, run it against the database and return the results.

sql : str
SQL query
required : bool
Raise an error if no results found in the database
query_params : list
For each ‘?’ in the query there must be a corresponding value in this list.

pyensembl.download_cache module

class pyensembl.download_cache.DownloadCache(reference_name, annotation_name, annotation_version=None, decompress_on_download=False, copy_local_files_to_cache=False, install_string_function=None, cache_directory_path=None)

Bases: object

Downloads remote files to cache, optionally copies local files into cache, raises custom message if data is missing.


When downloading remote files, the default behavior is to name local files the same as their remote counterparts.

delete_cached_files(prefixes=[], suffixes=[])

Deletes any cached files matching the prefixes or suffixes given

download_or_copy_if_necessary(path_or_url, download_if_missing=False, overwrite=False)

Download a remote file or copy Get the local path to a possibly remote file.

Download if file is missing from the cache directory and download_if_missing is True. Download even if local file exists if both download_if_missing and overwrite are True.

If the file is on the local file system then return its path, unless self.copy_local_to_cache is True, and then copy it to the cache first.

path_or_url : str

download_if_missing : bool, optional
Download files if missing from local cache
overwrite : bool, optional
Overwrite existing copy if it exists

Is the given string a URL?

path_or_url : str


local_path_or_install_error(field_name, path_or_url, download_if_missing=False, overwrite=False)
exception pyensembl.download_cache.MissingLocalFile(path)

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception pyensembl.download_cache.MissingRemoteFile(url)

Bases: exceptions.Exception

pyensembl.download_cache.cache_subdirectory(reference_name=None, annotation_name=None, annotation_version=None)

Which cache subdirectory to use for a given annotation database over a particular reference. All arguments can be omitted to just get the base subdirectory for all pyensembl cached datasets.

pyensembl.ensembl_release module

Contains the EnsemblRelease class, which extends the Genome class to be specific to (a particular release of) Ensembl.

class pyensembl.ensembl_release.EnsemblRelease(release=97, species=Species(latin_name='homo_sapiens', synonyms=['human'], reference_assemblies={'GRCh38': (76, 97), 'GRCh37': (55, 75), 'NCBI36': (54, 54)}), server='')

Bases: pyensembl.genome.Genome

Bundles together the genomic annotation and sequence data associated with a particular release of the Ensembl database.

classmethod cached(release=97, species=Species(latin_name='homo_sapiens', synonyms=['human'], reference_assemblies={'GRCh38': (76, 97), 'GRCh37': (55, 75), 'NCBI36': (54, 54)}), server='')

Construct EnsemblRelease if it’s never been made before, otherwise return an old instance.

classmethod from_dict(state_dict)

Deserialize EnsemblRelease without creating duplicate instances.


Add every missing file to the install string shown to the user in an error message.

classmethod normalize_init_values(release, species, server)

Normalizes the arguments which uniquely specify an EnsemblRelease genome.


Returns a dictionary of the essential fields of this Genome.

pyensembl.ensembl_release.cached_release(release, species='human')

Create an EnsemblRelease instance only if it’s hasn’t already been made, otherwise returns the old instance. Keeping this function for backwards compatibility but this functionality has been moving into the cached method of EnsemblRelease.

pyensembl.ensembl_release_versions module


Check to make sure a release is in the valid range of Ensembl releases.

pyensembl.ensembl_url_templates module

Templates for URLs and paths to specific relase, species, and file type on the Ensembl ftp server.

For example, the human chromosomal DNA sequences for release 78 are in:

pyensembl.ensembl_url_templates.make_fasta_filename(ensembl_release, species, sequence_type)
pyensembl.ensembl_url_templates.make_fasta_url(ensembl_release, species, sequence_type, server='')

Construct URL to FASTA file with cDNA transcript or protein sequences

Parameter examples:
ensembl_release = 75 species = “Homo_sapiens” sequence_type = “cdna” (other option: “pep”)
pyensembl.ensembl_url_templates.make_gtf_filename(ensembl_release, species)

Return GTF filename expect on Ensembl FTP server for a specific species/release combination

pyensembl.ensembl_url_templates.make_gtf_url(ensembl_release, species, server='')

Returns a URL and a filename, which can be joined together.

pyensembl.ensembl_url_templates.normalize_release_properties(ensembl_release, species)

Make sure a given release is valid, normalize it to be an integer, normalize the species name, and get its associated reference.

pyensembl.exon module

class pyensembl.exon.Exon(exon_id, contig, start, end, strand, gene_name, gene_id)



Alias for exon_id necessary for backward compatibility.


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.

pyensembl.gene module

class pyensembl.gene.Gene(gene_id, gene_name, contig, start, end, strand, biotype, genome)

Bases: pyensembl.locus_with_genome.LocusWithGenome


Alias for gene_id necessary for backwards compatibility.


Alias for gene_name necessary for backwards compatibility.


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.


Property which dynamically construct transcript objects for all transcript IDs associated with this gene.

pyensembl.genome module

Contains the Genome class, with its millions of accessors and wrappers around an arbitrary genomic database.

class pyensembl.genome.Genome(reference_name, annotation_name, annotation_version=None, gtf_path_or_url=None, transcript_fasta_paths_or_urls=None, protein_fasta_paths_or_urls=None, decompress_on_download=False, copy_local_files_to_cache=False, cache_directory_path=None)

Bases: serializable.serializable.Serializable

Bundles together the genomic annotation and sequence data associated with a particular genomic database source (e.g. a single Ensembl release) and provides a wide variety of helper methods for accessing this data.


Clear any in-memory cached values and short-lived on-disk materializations from MemoryCache


Returns all contig names for any gene in the genome (field called “seqname” in Ensembl GTF files)


Delete all data aside from source GTF and FASTA files


Download data files needed by this Genome instance.

overwrite : bool, optional
Download files regardless whether local copy already exists.

Construct an Exon object from its ID by looking up the exon”s properties in the given Database.

exon_ids(contig=None, strand=None)
exon_ids_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)
exons(contig=None, strand=None)

Create exon object for all exons in the database, optionally restrict to a particular chromosome using the contig argument.

exons_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Construct a Gene object for the given gene ID.


Get the gene ID associated with the given protein ID, return its Gene object


What is the gene ID associated with a given protein ID?

gene_ids(contig=None, strand=None)

What are all the gene IDs (optionally restrict to a given chromosome/contig and/or strand)

gene_ids_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

What are the gene IDs associated with a given gene name? (due to copy events, there might be multiple genes per name)

gene_names(contig=None, strand=None)

Return all genes in the database, optionally restrict to a chromosome and/or strand.

gene_names_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)
genes(contig=None, strand=None)

Returns all Gene objects in the database. Can be restricted to a particular contig/chromosome and strand by the following arguments:

contig : str
Only return genes on the given contig.
strand : str
Only return genes on this strand.
genes_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Get all the unqiue genes with the given name (there might be multiple due to copies in the genome), return a list containing a Gene object for each distinct ID.


Assuming that all necessary data for this Genome has been downloaded, generate the GTF database and save efficient representation of FASTA sequence files.


Add every missing file to the install string shown to the user in an error message.

Given a gene name returns list of Locus objects with fields:
chromosome, start, stop, strand

You can get multiple results since a gene might have multiple copies in the genome.


Given an exon ID returns Locus


Given a gene ID returns Locus with: chromosome, start, stop, strand

protein_ids(contig=None, strand=None)

What are all the protein IDs (optionally restrict to a given chromosome and/or strand)

protein_ids_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Return cDNA nucleotide sequence of transcript, or None if transcript doesn’t have cDNA sequence.


Returns a dictionary of the essential fields of this Genome.


Construct Transcript object with given transcript ID


What is the transcript ID associated with a given protein ID?

transcript_ids(contig=None, strand=None)
transcript_ids_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)
transcript_names(contig=None, strand=None)

What are all the transcript names in the database (optionally, restrict to a given chromosome and/or strand)

transcript_names_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Return cDNA nucleotide sequence of transcript, or None if transcript doesn’t have cDNA sequence.

transcripts(contig=None, strand=None)

Construct Transcript object for every transcript entry in the database. Optionally restrict to a particular chromosome using the contig argument.

transcripts_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

pyensembl.gtf module module

class, start, end, strand)

Bases: serializable.serializable.Serializable

Base class for any entity which can be localized at a range of positions on a particular strand of a chromosome/contig.

can_overlap(contig, strand=None)

Is this locus on the same contig and (optionally) on the same strand?

contains(contig, start, end, strand=None)
distance_to_interval(start, end)

Find the distance between intervals [start1, end1] and [start2, end2]. If the intervals overlap then the distance is 0.


Offset of given position from stranded start of this locus.

For example, if a Locus goes from 10..20 and is on the negative strand, then the offset of position 13 is 7, whereas if the Locus is on the positive strand, then the offset is 3.

offset_range(start, end)

Database start/end entries are always ordered such that start < end. This makes computing a relative position (e.g. of a stop codon relative to its transcript) complicated since the “end” position of a backwards locus is actually earlir on the strand. This function correctly selects a start vs. end value depending on this locuses’s strand and determines that position’s offset from the earliest position in this locus.

overlaps(contig, start, end, strand=None)

Does this locus overlap with a given range of positions?

Since locus position ranges are inclusive, we should make sure that e.g. chr1:10-10 overlaps with chr1:10-10


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.


pyensembl.memory_cache module

Cache and serializing the results of expensive computations. Used in pyensembl primarily to cache the heavy-weight parsing of GTF files and various filtering operations on Ensembl entries.

A piece of data is returned from one of three sources: 1) Cache cold. Run the user-supplied compute_fn. 2) Cache warm on disk. Parse or unpickle the serialized result into memory. 3) Cache warm in memory. Return cached object.

class pyensembl.memory_cache.MemoryCache

Bases: object

In-memory and on-disk caching of long-running queries and computations.

cached_dataframe(csv_path, compute_fn)

If a CSV path is in the _memory_cache, then return that cached value.

If we’ve already saved the DataFrame as a CSV then load it.

Otherwise run the provided compute_fn, and store its result in memory and and save it as a CSV.

cached_object(path, compute_fn)

If cached_object has already been called for a value of path in this running Python instance, then it should have a cached value in the

_memory_cache; return that value.

If this function was never called before with a particular value of path, then call compute_fn, and pickle it to path.

If path already exists, unpickle it and store that value in _memory_cache.

remove_from_cache(key) module, end, loci)

Finds nearest locus (object with method distance_to_interval) to the interval defined by the given start and end positions. Returns the distance to that locus, along with the locus object itself.

pyensembl.sequence_data module

class pyensembl.sequence_data.SequenceData(fasta_paths, cache_directory_path=None)

Bases: object

Container for reference nucleotide and amino acid sequenes.


Get sequence associated with given ID or return None if missing

index(overwrite=False) module

Manipulate pyensembl’s local cache.

%(prog)s {install, delete, delete-sequence-cache} [–release XXX –species human…]
To install particular Ensembl human release(s):
%(prog)s install –release 75 77
To install particular Ensembl mouse release(s):
%(prog)s install –release 75 77 –species mouse
To delete all downloaded and cached data for a particular Ensembl release:
%(prog)s delete-all-files –release 75 –species human
To delete only cached data related to transcript and protein sequences:
%(prog)s delete-index-files –release 75
To list all installed genomes:
%(prog)s list
To install a genome from source files:
%(prog)s install –reference-name “GRCh38” –gtf URL_OR_PATH –transcript-fasta URL_OR_PATH –protein-fasta URL_OR_PATH

Use all combinations of species and release versions specified by the commandline arguments to return a list of EnsemblRelease or Genome objects. The results will typically be of type EnsemblRelease unless the –custom-mirror argument was given.

pyensembl.species module

class pyensembl.species.Species(latin_name, synonyms=[], reference_assemblies={})

Bases: serializable.serializable.Serializable

Container for combined information about a species name, its synonyn names and which reference to use for this species in each Ensembl release.

classmethod all_registered_latin_names()

Returns latin name of every registered species.

classmethod all_species_release_pairs()

Generator which yields (species, release) pairs for all possible combinations.

classmethod from_dict(state_dict)

Given a dictionary of flattened fields (result of calling to_dict()), returns an instance.

classmethod register(latin_name, synonyms, reference_assemblies)

Create a Species object from the given arguments and enter into all the dicts used to look the species up by its fields.


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.


Helper for validating user supplied species names or objects.


If species name was “Homo sapiens” then replace spaces with underscores and return “homo_sapiens”. Also replace common names like “human” with “homo_sapiens”.

pyensembl.transcript module

class pyensembl.transcript.Transcript(transcript_id, transcript_name, contig, start, end, strand, biotype, gene_id, genome, support_level=None)

Bases: pyensembl.locus_with_genome.LocusWithGenome

Transcript encompasses the locus, exons, and sequence of a transcript.

Lazily fetches sequence in case we”re constructing many Transcripts and not using the sequence, avoid the memory/performance overhead of fetching and storing sequences from a FASTA file.


cDNA coding sequence (from start codon to stop codon, without any introns)


Return absolute chromosome position ranges for CDS fragments of this transcript


Consider a transcript complete if it has start and stop codons and a coding sequence whose length is divisible by 3


Does this transcript have an annotated start_codon entry?


Does this transcript have an annotated stop_codon entry?


List of (start,end) tuples for each exon of this transcript, in the order specified by the ‘exon_number’ column of the exon table.


Offset of first nucleotide in start codon into the spliced mRNA (excluding introns)


cDNA sequence of 5’ UTR (untranslated region at the beginning of the transcript)


Alias for transcript_id necessary for backward compatibility.


Offset of last nucleotide in stop codon into the spliced mRNA (excluding introns)


Alias for transcript_name necessary for backward compatibility.


Spliced cDNA sequence of transcript (includes 5” UTR, coding sequence, and 3” UTR)


Convert from an absolute chromosomal position to the offset into this transcript”s spliced mRNA.

Position must be inside some exon (otherwise raise exception).


Chromosomal positions of nucleotides in start codon.


Offsets from start of spliced mRNA transcript of nucleotides in start codon.


Offsets from start of unspliced pre-mRNA transcript of nucleotides in start codon.


Chromosomal positions of nucleotides in stop codon.


Offsets from start of spliced mRNA transcript of nucleotides in stop codon.


Offsets from start of unspliced pre-mRNA transcript of nucleotides in stop codon.


cDNA sequence of 3’ UTR (untranslated region at the end of the transcript)


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.

Module contents

class pyensembl.MemoryCache

Bases: object

In-memory and on-disk caching of long-running queries and computations.

cached_dataframe(csv_path, compute_fn)

If a CSV path is in the _memory_cache, then return that cached value.

If we’ve already saved the DataFrame as a CSV then load it.

Otherwise run the provided compute_fn, and store its result in memory and and save it as a CSV.

cached_object(path, compute_fn)

If cached_object has already been called for a value of path in this running Python instance, then it should have a cached value in the

_memory_cache; return that value.

If this function was never called before with a particular value of path, then call compute_fn, and pickle it to path.

If path already exists, unpickle it and store that value in _memory_cache.

class pyensembl.DownloadCache(reference_name, annotation_name, annotation_version=None, decompress_on_download=False, copy_local_files_to_cache=False, install_string_function=None, cache_directory_path=None)

Bases: object

Downloads remote files to cache, optionally copies local files into cache, raises custom message if data is missing.


When downloading remote files, the default behavior is to name local files the same as their remote counterparts.

delete_cached_files(prefixes=[], suffixes=[])

Deletes any cached files matching the prefixes or suffixes given

download_or_copy_if_necessary(path_or_url, download_if_missing=False, overwrite=False)

Download a remote file or copy Get the local path to a possibly remote file.

Download if file is missing from the cache directory and download_if_missing is True. Download even if local file exists if both download_if_missing and overwrite are True.

If the file is on the local file system then return its path, unless self.copy_local_to_cache is True, and then copy it to the cache first.

path_or_url : str

download_if_missing : bool, optional
Download files if missing from local cache
overwrite : bool, optional
Overwrite existing copy if it exists

Is the given string a URL?

path_or_url : str


local_path_or_install_error(field_name, path_or_url, download_if_missing=False, overwrite=False)
class pyensembl.Database(gtf_path, install_string=None, cache_directory_path=None, restrict_gtf_columns=None, restrict_gtf_features=None)

Bases: object

Wrapper around sqlite3 database so that the rest of the library doesn’t have to worry about constructing the .db file or writing SQL queries directly.

PRIMARY_KEY_COLUMNS = {'gene': 'gene_id', 'transcript': 'transcript_id'}
column_exists(table_name, column_name)
column_values_at_locus(column_name, feature, contig, position, end=None, strand=None, distinct=False, sorted=False)

Get the non-null values of a column from the database at a particular range of loci


Return a connection to the database if it exists, otherwise create it. Overwrite the existing database if overwrite is True.


Get a connection to the database or raise an exception


Create the local database (including indexing) if it’s not already set up. If overwrite is True, always re-create the database from scratch.

Returns a connection to the database.

distinct_column_values_at_locus(column, feature, contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Gather all the distinct values for a property/column at some specified locus.

column : str
Which property are we getting the values of.
feature : str
Which type of entry (e.g. transcript, exon, gene) is the property associated with?
contig : str
Chromosome or unplaced contig name
position : int
Chromosomal position
end : int, optional
End position of a range, if unspecified assume we’re only looking at the single given position.
strand : str, optional
Either the positive (‘+’) or negative strand (‘-‘). If unspecified then check for values on either strand.

Construct a SQL query and run against the sqlite3 database, filtered both by the feature type and a user-provided column/value.

query_distinct_on_contig(column_name, feature, contig)

Run a SQL query against the sqlite3 database, filtered only on the feature type.

query_loci(filter_column, filter_value, feature)

Query for loci satisfying a given filter and feature type.

filter_column : str
Name of column to filter results by.
filter_value : str
Only return loci which have this value in the their filter_column.
feature : str
Feature names such as ‘transcript’, ‘gene’, and ‘exon’

Returns list of Locus objects

query_locus(filter_column, filter_value, feature)

Query for unique locus, raises error if missing or more than one locus in the database.

filter_column : str
Name of column to filter results by.
filter_value : str
Only return loci which have this value in the their filter_column.
feature : str
Feature names such as ‘transcript’, ‘gene’, and ‘exon’

Returns single Locus object.

query_one(select_column_names, filter_column, filter_value, feature, distinct=False, required=False)
run_sql_query(sql, required=False, query_params=[])

Given an arbitrary SQL query, run it against the database and return the results.

sql : str
SQL query
required : bool
Raise an error if no results found in the database
query_params : list
For each ‘?’ in the query there must be a corresponding value in this list.
class pyensembl.EnsemblRelease(release=97, species=Species(latin_name='homo_sapiens', synonyms=['human'], reference_assemblies={'GRCh38': (76, 97), 'GRCh37': (55, 75), 'NCBI36': (54, 54)}), server='')

Bases: pyensembl.genome.Genome

Bundles together the genomic annotation and sequence data associated with a particular release of the Ensembl database.

classmethod cached(release=97, species=Species(latin_name='homo_sapiens', synonyms=['human'], reference_assemblies={'GRCh38': (76, 97), 'GRCh37': (55, 75), 'NCBI36': (54, 54)}), server='')

Construct EnsemblRelease if it’s never been made before, otherwise return an old instance.

classmethod from_dict(state_dict)

Deserialize EnsemblRelease without creating duplicate instances.


Add every missing file to the install string shown to the user in an error message.

classmethod normalize_init_values(release, species, server)

Normalizes the arguments which uniquely specify an EnsemblRelease genome.


Returns a dictionary of the essential fields of this Genome.

pyensembl.cached_release(release, species='human')

Create an EnsemblRelease instance only if it’s hasn’t already been made, otherwise returns the old instance. Keeping this function for backwards compatibility but this functionality has been moving into the cached method of EnsemblRelease.

class pyensembl.Gene(gene_id, gene_name, contig, start, end, strand, biotype, genome)

Bases: pyensembl.locus_with_genome.LocusWithGenome


Alias for gene_id necessary for backwards compatibility.


Alias for gene_name necessary for backwards compatibility.


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.


Property which dynamically construct transcript objects for all transcript IDs associated with this gene.

class pyensembl.Transcript(transcript_id, transcript_name, contig, start, end, strand, biotype, gene_id, genome, support_level=None)

Bases: pyensembl.locus_with_genome.LocusWithGenome

Transcript encompasses the locus, exons, and sequence of a transcript.

Lazily fetches sequence in case we”re constructing many Transcripts and not using the sequence, avoid the memory/performance overhead of fetching and storing sequences from a FASTA file.


cDNA coding sequence (from start codon to stop codon, without any introns)


Return absolute chromosome position ranges for CDS fragments of this transcript


Consider a transcript complete if it has start and stop codons and a coding sequence whose length is divisible by 3


Does this transcript have an annotated start_codon entry?


Does this transcript have an annotated stop_codon entry?


List of (start,end) tuples for each exon of this transcript, in the order specified by the ‘exon_number’ column of the exon table.


Offset of first nucleotide in start codon into the spliced mRNA (excluding introns)


cDNA sequence of 5’ UTR (untranslated region at the beginning of the transcript)


Alias for transcript_id necessary for backward compatibility.


Offset of last nucleotide in stop codon into the spliced mRNA (excluding introns)


Alias for transcript_name necessary for backward compatibility.


Spliced cDNA sequence of transcript (includes 5” UTR, coding sequence, and 3” UTR)


Convert from an absolute chromosomal position to the offset into this transcript”s spliced mRNA.

Position must be inside some exon (otherwise raise exception).


Chromosomal positions of nucleotides in start codon.


Offsets from start of spliced mRNA transcript of nucleotides in start codon.


Offsets from start of unspliced pre-mRNA transcript of nucleotides in start codon.


Chromosomal positions of nucleotides in stop codon.


Offsets from start of spliced mRNA transcript of nucleotides in stop codon.


Offsets from start of unspliced pre-mRNA transcript of nucleotides in stop codon.


cDNA sequence of 3’ UTR (untranslated region at the end of the transcript)


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.

class pyensembl.Exon(exon_id, contig, start, end, strand, gene_name, gene_id)



Alias for exon_id necessary for backward compatibility.


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.

class pyensembl.SequenceData(fasta_paths, cache_directory_path=None)

Bases: object

Container for reference nucleotide and amino acid sequenes.


Get sequence associated with given ID or return None if missing

pyensembl.find_nearest_locus(start, end, loci)

Finds nearest locus (object with method distance_to_interval) to the interval defined by the given start and end positions. Returns the distance to that locus, along with the locus object itself.

pyensembl.genome_for_reference_name(reference_name, allow_older_downloaded_release=True)

Given a genome reference name, such as “GRCh38”, returns the corresponding Ensembl Release object.

If allow_older_downloaded_release is True, and some older releases have been downloaded, then return the most recent locally available release.

Otherwise, return the newest release of Ensembl (even if its data hasn’t already been downloaded).

pyensembl.which_reference(species_name, ensembl_release)

Helper for validating user supplied species names or objects.


Search the dictionary of species-specific references to find a reference name that matches aside from capitalization.

If no matching reference is found, raise an exception.


If species name was “Homo sapiens” then replace spaces with underscores and return “homo_sapiens”. Also replace common names like “human” with “homo_sapiens”.

class pyensembl.Genome(reference_name, annotation_name, annotation_version=None, gtf_path_or_url=None, transcript_fasta_paths_or_urls=None, protein_fasta_paths_or_urls=None, decompress_on_download=False, copy_local_files_to_cache=False, cache_directory_path=None)

Bases: serializable.serializable.Serializable

Bundles together the genomic annotation and sequence data associated with a particular genomic database source (e.g. a single Ensembl release) and provides a wide variety of helper methods for accessing this data.


Clear any in-memory cached values and short-lived on-disk materializations from MemoryCache


Returns all contig names for any gene in the genome (field called “seqname” in Ensembl GTF files)


Delete all data aside from source GTF and FASTA files


Download data files needed by this Genome instance.

overwrite : bool, optional
Download files regardless whether local copy already exists.

Construct an Exon object from its ID by looking up the exon”s properties in the given Database.

exon_ids(contig=None, strand=None)
exon_ids_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)
exons(contig=None, strand=None)

Create exon object for all exons in the database, optionally restrict to a particular chromosome using the contig argument.

exons_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Construct a Gene object for the given gene ID.


Get the gene ID associated with the given protein ID, return its Gene object


What is the gene ID associated with a given protein ID?

gene_ids(contig=None, strand=None)

What are all the gene IDs (optionally restrict to a given chromosome/contig and/or strand)

gene_ids_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

What are the gene IDs associated with a given gene name? (due to copy events, there might be multiple genes per name)

gene_names(contig=None, strand=None)

Return all genes in the database, optionally restrict to a chromosome and/or strand.

gene_names_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)
genes(contig=None, strand=None)

Returns all Gene objects in the database. Can be restricted to a particular contig/chromosome and strand by the following arguments:

contig : str
Only return genes on the given contig.
strand : str
Only return genes on this strand.
genes_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Get all the unqiue genes with the given name (there might be multiple due to copies in the genome), return a list containing a Gene object for each distinct ID.


Assuming that all necessary data for this Genome has been downloaded, generate the GTF database and save efficient representation of FASTA sequence files.


Add every missing file to the install string shown to the user in an error message.

Given a gene name returns list of Locus objects with fields:
chromosome, start, stop, strand

You can get multiple results since a gene might have multiple copies in the genome.


Given an exon ID returns Locus


Given a gene ID returns Locus with: chromosome, start, stop, strand

protein_ids(contig=None, strand=None)

What are all the protein IDs (optionally restrict to a given chromosome and/or strand)

protein_ids_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Return cDNA nucleotide sequence of transcript, or None if transcript doesn’t have cDNA sequence.


Returns a dictionary of the essential fields of this Genome.


Construct Transcript object with given transcript ID


What is the transcript ID associated with a given protein ID?

transcript_ids(contig=None, strand=None)
transcript_ids_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)
transcript_names(contig=None, strand=None)

What are all the transcript names in the database (optionally, restrict to a given chromosome and/or strand)

transcript_names_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)

Return cDNA nucleotide sequence of transcript, or None if transcript doesn’t have cDNA sequence.

transcripts(contig=None, strand=None)

Construct Transcript object for every transcript entry in the database. Optionally restrict to a particular chromosome using the contig argument.

transcripts_at_locus(contig, position, end=None, strand=None)
class pyensembl.Locus(contig, start, end, strand)

Bases: serializable.serializable.Serializable

Base class for any entity which can be localized at a range of positions on a particular strand of a chromosome/contig.

can_overlap(contig, strand=None)

Is this locus on the same contig and (optionally) on the same strand?

contains(contig, start, end, strand=None)
distance_to_interval(start, end)

Find the distance between intervals [start1, end1] and [start2, end2]. If the intervals overlap then the distance is 0.


Offset of given position from stranded start of this locus.

For example, if a Locus goes from 10..20 and is on the negative strand, then the offset of position 13 is 7, whereas if the Locus is on the positive strand, then the offset is 3.

offset_range(start, end)

Database start/end entries are always ordered such that start < end. This makes computing a relative position (e.g. of a stop codon relative to its transcript) complicated since the “end” position of a backwards locus is actually earlir on the strand. This function correctly selects a start vs. end value depending on this locuses’s strand and determines that position’s offset from the earliest position in this locus.

overlaps(contig, start, end, strand=None)

Does this locus overlap with a given range of positions?

Since locus position ranges are inclusive, we should make sure that e.g. chr1:10-10 overlaps with chr1:10-10


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.

class pyensembl.Exon(exon_id, contig, start, end, strand, gene_name, gene_id)



Alias for exon_id necessary for backward compatibility.


Returns a dictionary which can be used to reconstruct an instance of a derived class (typically by matching args to __init__). The values of the returned dictionary must be primitive atomic types (bool, string, int, float), primitive collections (int, list, tuple, set) or instances of Serializable.

The default implementation is to assume all the arguments to __init__ have fields of the same name on a serializable object.